
Services Provided

When providing legal services, we always strive to provide clients with the highest standards of services. Therefore, for a client’s case to have a positive result, it is required to undergo a thorough legal analysis. Therefore, it is important that the analysis covers all branches of law. Because only such an approach will guarantee achieving a positive result in the form of winning the case. Below are examples of categories of cases of interest to the Law Firm in areas of law such as: civil, criminal, commercial, economic, administrative, tax, construction, public procurement, bankruptcy, agricultural, new technologies and copyright law.

zapłata własność dług

Civil Law

areszt więzienie oskarżony sprawca

Criminal Law

Trade Law

biurokracja decyzja organ urząd

Administrative Law

małżeństwo opieka dziecko rozwód separacja

Family Law

budowa remont budowla intalacje


akcyza vat pit cit


oferta przetarg siwz specyfikacja podwykonawca

Public procurement

Labor & Social Security Law

bankrut syndyk nadzorca wierzytelność

Bankruptcy & Restructuring

własność intelektualna patent znak towarowy

Intellectual property & New Technologies

rolnictwo bitcoin fundacje offshore
